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AoE4: Overlay

An overlay app for showing information about allies and opponents as an in-game overlay. It also provides additional statistics, and supports a highly customizable streaming overlay.

Age of Empires IV

Age of Empires IV (AoE4) was released recently and I had fun both playing it and watching tournaments. In this post, I'll share my thoughts so far. Though I'm sure things will change as I play more, and the developers keep improving the game. Hopefully, we can learn something from both AoE4's successes and problems.

Mixed strategies

In this post I tried to explore mixed strategy Nash equilibria for a few strategies – all-in, standard, and defensive. Games often feature these archetypal strategies with a rock-paper-scissors relationship between them. I will also make it more interesting by introducing other variables like player skill and added randomness.

Transmission 11
A plan for co-op

Transmission 10
Social features

Faction image & design

New custom mutator

Transmission 09
Gameplay variety

Transmission 08
Attention and macro

Transmission 07
Team games in RTS

Transmission 06
API, replays, post-game screens

Transmission 05
Events & progression

Transmission 04
Improving Co-op

Transmission 03
Divided playerbase, variety mode, victory conditions

Supply & Limits

Command and Conquer 3

Mastery Exploit

Transmission 02
Player onboarding

Transmission 01
Setting, Scale, Socialization

Look at Unit Design


HSC in numbers

Bug Hunt X

IEM in numbers

Tournament Analysis

Survival Mode

Replay Analysis II

Fluffy Chat Bot

Healer AI

Brutal+ Revisited

Brutal+ Analysis

Replay Analysis
with Python

Bug Hunt IX


Replay interface

Gears 5

DRAM performance
testing in StarCraft II

Bug Hunt VIII

The Usual Suspects

StarCraft II
performance testing

Bug Hunt VII

UI/UX Tweaks

Mutator Safety Zones

Bug Hunt VI

Bug Hunt V

Challenge mode

Bug Hunt IV

Recent Games

Bug Hunt III

Bug Hunt II

Mirror matchups
Asymmetry analysis

Extension mod

Feedback loops
in StarCraft

Bug Hunt

Skill Curves
& Flow

Karax 2.0

Web App

My maps



Wheel of Misfortune

Pushing forward
& Rewards

In Defense of Defense

Gameplay Variety
and Modularity


and Strategies

Mutator Compendium


Co-op channels

The popularity of Nova Terra

Some thoughts and
speculations on H&H

Ref: StarCraft II
Patch 4.0

Upgrades in Co-op

United Earth Directorate
commander concept

Aspects of
Co-op commanders

Void Rifts

The Future of Co-op

Rise of Fenix

Improving Blizzard mutator

Fatal Attraction
and Propagators

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