August 18, 2023
ZeroSpace is a new RTS game that I have been working on as game designer. I've been working on it for 1.5 years now but the development started around 3 years ago. So far it has been a great experience and I very much enjoy working on it. I get to do and learn new things and it's awesome to be working with people on our team. We are lucky to have people like CatZ, Giant Grant Games or Scarlett but the whole team is great to work with.
February 05, 2023
Variety and player preferences
In this post I want to examine why some players dislike atypical sections in games – for example no-build missions in RTS, or stealth sections in various genres – explore this fairly common issue and suggest a few solutions that could help with reducing those negative feelings.
June 12, 2022
Stormgate Reveal
On June 9th, Frost Giant revealed its upcoming RTS game Stormgate. We got to see a cinematic trailer with more information on the game's website, steam page, and in many following interviews.
December 16, 2021
AoE4: Overlay
An overlay app for showing information about allies and opponents as an in-game overlay. It also provides additional statistics, and supports a highly customizable streaming overlay.
December 07, 2021
Age of Empires IV
Age of Empires IV (AoE4) was released recently and I had fun both playing it and watching tournaments. In this post, I'll share my thoughts so far. Though I'm sure things will change as I play more, and the developers keep improving the game. Hopefully, we can learn something from both AoE4's successes and problems.
November 25, 2021
Mixed strategies
In this post I tried to explore mixed strategy Nash equilibria for a few strategies – all-in, standard, and defensive. Games often feature these archetypal strategies with a rock-paper-scissors relationship between them. I will also make it more interesting by introducing other variables like player skill and added randomness.
Transmission 11
A plan for co-op
Transmission 10
Social features
Faction image & design
New custom mutator
Transmission 09
Gameplay variety
Transmission 08
Attention and macro
Transmission 07
Team games in RTS
Transmission 06
API, replays, post-game screens
Transmission 05
Events & progression
Transmission 04
Improving Co-op
Transmission 03
Divided playerbase, variety mode, victory
Supply & Limits
Command and Conquer 3
Mastery Exploit
Transmission 02
Player onboarding
Transmission 01
Setting, Scale, Socialization
Look at Unit Design
HSC in numbers
Bug Hunt X
IEM in numbers
Tournament Analysis
Survival Mode
Replay Analysis II
Fluffy Chat Bot
Healer AI
Brutal+ Revisited
Brutal+ Analysis
Replay Analysis
with Python
Bug Hunt IX
Replay interface
Gears 5
DRAM performance
testing in StarCraft II
Bug Hunt VIII
The Usual Suspects
StarCraft II
performance testing
Bug Hunt VII
UI/UX Tweaks
Mutator Safety Zones
Bug Hunt VI
Bug Hunt V
Challenge mode
Bug Hunt IV
Recent Games
Bug Hunt III
Bug Hunt II
Mirror matchups
Asymmetry analysis
Extension mod
Feedback loops
in StarCraft
Bug Hunt
Skill Curves
& Flow
Karax 2.0
Web App
My maps
Wheel of Misfortune
Pushing forward
& Rewards
In Defense of Defense
Gameplay Variety
and Modularity
and Strategies
Mutator Compendium
Co-op channels
The popularity of Nova Terra
Some thoughts and
speculations on H&H
Ref: StarCraft II
Patch 4.0
Upgrades in Co-op
United Earth Directorate
commander concept
Aspects of
Co-op commanders
Void Rifts
The Future of Co-op
Rise of Fenix
Improving Blizzard mutator
Fatal Attraction
and Propagators